Kamis, 05 September 2013

6 in 1 Franchise Opportunities : Brands, Concepts, Vision for you

We attend many exhibitions and other industry events throughout Jakarta and Bandung, in West Java Indonesia. These are a great opportunity to meet us and find out more about being part of one of our biggest branBecome part of a modern and progressive brand! 

Becoming a Edward Forrer Group franchisee is not for everyone. It's a long term commitment. You'll need significant financial investment combined with a hardworking and hands-on approach to running a customer-orientated business.

The Most Effective Franchise Opportunities Available : 

1. Edward Forrer Fashion
2. Shoe Max Fashion
3. Djoroe Masak Restaurant
4. Kitchen Belle cafe, salon, and spa
5. Akar Natural Spa
6.Progo Property & Business

Meet us at Franchising Exhibitions

We are attending on the upcoming Franchise Exhibition : 

Book free tickets for these franchise exhibitions (Limited for 30 tickets) 
Please call : 0811 233 889 (sms / whats app terlebih dahulu) 

6th-8th Sept 2013
The 11th Edition of Franchise & License Expo Indonesia
JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTRE www.franchise-license-expo.co.id

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